
Users view enables administrators to view and manage users who have access to Noise Guard web application. This view is not visible to ordinary users.

A list of users is shown showing first and last name, user role (Administrator or User), username and email address. There is also an edit user icon for each user.

At the top left there is a button for adding users.

There is search and the ability to filter the list of users by role: Admin, User.

Create new user

To create a new user, click the button in the upper left corner.

Add user form opens. You can either fill out the fields or leave that to the user to fill it out himself. Click Create to create a new user. If you enter the E-mail and your Noise Guard server is configured in a way to send out e-mails, the newly created user will receive a link for account registration on the e-mail address you entered. You can also copy the account registration link to clipboard and send it to the user manually.

After the new user completes his registration he will appear in the list.

User role is set to User by default. If you’d like to create a user with administrator’s privileges, make sure to change it. You can do this either when creating the user or edit his role later.

Edit user

To edit a user click the edit user button:

To save the changes, click the SAVE button. To dismiss the changes, click the button in the upper right corner. To delete the user, click the DELETE button.